30 April 2024
To my valued patients
This email is to inform you that from the 13th of May, I will no longer be working at The Family & Diabetic GP Clinic.
As you know, The Family & Diabetic GP Clinic is a fantastic GP clinic, offering excellent holistic care to all its patients. I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the team at the clinic.
However, over the last year, I have been working with a urologist colleague, Dr Philippe Wolanski, on developing a unique clinic catering to the specific health needs of the male population.
The new clinic, Verve Men’s Clinic, has been open for a few months now and as we have become busier, it is with regret that I have found that I can no longer divide my time between my new clinic and The Family & Diabetic GP Clinic.
Verve Men’s Clinic is a multidisciplinary men’s health clinic with GP, sports medicine, physiotherapy and urology services, offering care for all men over 16 years of age. Dr Wolanski and I founded the clinic with the idea of creating a “one-stop-shop”, where men can quickly and easily access care for a wide variety of male health needs.
Again, it is with regret that I no longer have the time to continue seeing patients at The Family & Diabetic GP Clinic. It has been a pleasure to work there over the last 7 years, and I have thoroughly enjoyed helping all my patients at the clinic.
For my male patients at The Family & Diabetic GP Clinic, I would be more than happy to continue your care at Verve Men’s Clinic should you want to. If so, you will need to complete a transfer of medical records form. Appointments for Verve Men’s Clinic can be booked online via our website, or by calling our friendly reception staff on 07 4463 8119.
However, if you are happy to continue your care at The Family & Diabetic GP Clinic, I am confident that you will find excellent care with one of the other terrific GPs at the clinic.
Dr Jonny Fenton MBChB, BSc (Hons), FRACGP